The 2012 Oscar-nominated documentary Gatekeepers, the stories behind Israel’s Shin Beit featured Avi Dichter who discussed the main events of his tenure as the former head of Shin Bet. He is coming to Ottawa on April 22 and will present a fascinating insight into Israel’s security.
Today, Avi Dichter is a Member of the Knesset for the Likud. In the 20th Knesset, he is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and chairs the Subcommittee for Cyber Defense. Among the key roles he has filled are Director of the Israeli Security Agency (ISA), Minister of Internal Security, Minister of Home Front Defense and chairman of the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims (volunteer). Son of Holocaust survivors, Mr. Dichter is named for his grandfather who was murdered in the Holocaust.
In the military, Dichter served on the Itamar team in Sayeret Matkal, and participated in secret operations carried out by the unit. Following his military service, Dichter began working for GSS as a sky marshal, and later filled a variety of field positions.
Following the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Dichter was called in to rehabilitate the ISA's bodyguard unit and was appointed head of security. He then served as head of the ISA during the second intifada – five of the most difficult years, with many terrorist attacks in Israel.
Cost: $18 in advance, $20 at the door
Sponsor: JNF Ottawa