Join us for our Third Annual Shabbat in the Sukkah!
We'll gather for lulav and other blessings in the Sukkah, and weather-permitting will take our meal in the sukkah, and front yard. Rain location - around my dining room table!
Vegetarian potluck meal; for those who follow Kashrut this is a dairy meal. Please bring a vegan or vegetarian dish to share that will serve six to eight and an appropriate serving utensil. Please label your dish and indicate ingredients. If you do not like to cook, please RSVP for suggestions.
If you would like to help sponsor this event, please contact us.
Cost: Free-will offering to offset costs, suggested amount, $18 to $36.00
You can prepay via PayPal: or offer cash or a cheque at the door.
Cheques are payable to Anna Maranta.
NB: No one will be turned away for financial reasons.