Human Rights Shabbat with Or Haneshamah, Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community
Dec. 6, 2014, 9:45 a.m., Parshat Vayishlakh
For the seventh year, T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call For Human Rights has issued its call for a Human Rights Shabbat. Scheduled for the weekends close to December 10, International Human Rights Day, it serves to educate Jewish communities about the intersection of Jewish values and universal human rights. Last year, more than 185 communities throughout North America, Europe, and Israel — including congregations, Hillels, hospitals, and havurot — participated.
Join us on Shabbat morning December 6 to learn with OrH Rabbi Liz Bolton about the Jewish roots of human rights and to explore how we might make manifest the values of k’vod habriot (human dignity) and tzelem Elohim (acknowledging that all are created in the image of the Divine) in our communities.
Or Haneshamah meets at the home of the First Unitarian Congregation, 30 Cleary Ave., Ottawa. Shabbat services are followed by a vegetarian potluck lunch. For more details, visit
For more information on T'ruah's Human Rights Shabbat, visit