Congregation Machzikei Hadas Presents:
Havdala on Ice
Come for a beautiful havdala and a community skate at the local rink!
Playfair Rink
1801 Playfair Drive (Corner of Playfair Drive & Beattie Ave)
Saturday, January 13, 2018 l 6:15 PM
Event Hosts: Daniel & Yael Black. If you need to warm up, pop into Dan & Yael's home at 1804 Beattie Ave, right across from the rink's entrance, for hot chocolate and beavertails
For more information, contact Stacy Goldstein at or (613) 521-9700.
Note: If the forecast is calling for -15 or colder, or if there is too much snow to skate, we will postpone our skate to Saturday, January 20th.