Freylekh Fridays is a monthly, multigenerational Shabbat evening, complete with a family-friendly Teddy Bear Shabbat, a potluck dinner, Kabbalat Shabbat and a guest speaker ready to spark discussion and introduce new ideas to mull over all weekend!
Teddy Bear Shabbat at 5:30 pm - Join Rabbi Zuker for snacks, stories and stuffies!
Potluck Shabbat Dinner at 6:30 pm
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30 pm (available via Zoom as well)
Guest Speaker Jenny Burns at 8:15 pm (available via Zoom as well). Ottawa Jewish Educator Morah Jenny Burns has an academic background in Jewish Folklore, and at this dark time of year, she will be speaking about the creatures in our culture that go bump in the night - the monsters of Jewish folk tradition.