You’re invited to join the Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG) and 24Hr Yogapalooza for a FREE art + yoga
session. Come experience this opportunity to form a deep connection to art and self in this 60-
minute practice amongst the current exhibitions and breathtaking event spaces at the OAG. This
slow-flow mood-boosting class incorporates mindfulness and movement to provide you with a fully
rounded art and wellness experience.
The session will be led by a certified yoga instructor who is volunteering their time in support of the
OAG, in conjunction with the annual 24Hr Yogapalooza fundraiser for childhood cancer care and
research at CHEO. To learn more about 24Hr Yogapalooza, visit:
Featured Yoga Instructor: Anne Pitman
This session is sponsored by UNIQLO Canada.
No yoga experience required for this practice.
Participants are asked to bring a yoga mat and water bottle (and yoga blocks, if desired).
Participants will also have time to take in the current exhibitions after the class. (Free admission.)
Suitable for ages 12 y/o or older.
Sponsor: UNIQLO Canada