
19 2015

Elul, Reviewing One's Life, and Teshuvah

6:00PM - 9:00PM  

The Glebe Minyan 64 Powell Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S2A1

Contact Talia Johnson

Elul is a month of preparation for the high Holy Days, the days of awe. During this time Jews are called to look at the past year and at their lives and reflect on their actions and how they can do better and seek forgiveness. Over the four weeks of Elul this life review will guide participants in reviewing their lives and help them reflect and see where they may seek forgiveness and do more to be their authentic selves.

19 August / 4 Elul
26 August / 11 Elul
2 September / 18 Elul
9 September / 25 Elul