
18 2022

Eco-Chanukah Party

5:30PM - 8:00PM  

30 Cleary
Ottawa, ON


Chanukah is a holiday all about conservation! As the story goes, oil enough to keep a menorah lit in the Temple lasted eight days. What can we do in our own lives to conserve energy and resources to protect our planet?

Along with our ORH traditions of dancing, singing, lighting Channukiot and competing for best latke, at this fun-filled eco-Chanukah party, families will learn Jewish Conservation Songs and hear Yiddishkeit stories on conservation: Something From Nothing by Phoebe Gilman and Just Enough is Plenty by Barbara Goldin. Families will play games about reducing, reusing and recycling, participate in Oceanwise’s Great Plastic Challenge and make beautiful Chanukah gifts from eco-friendly materials inspired by Teva Learning Center activities.