The 2021 federal budget released this spring included important changes to the Disability Tax Credit. The DTC is a non-refundable tax credit designed to help people with disabilities or people supporting them reduce the amount of income tax they must pay.
This presentation will touch on what the Disability Tax Credit is, how you can apply for it and what the changes mean for people living with disabilities across Canada. It will highlight the changes in eligibility requirements and how the Disability Tax Credit could help you access other federal or provincial programs. The presentation will also discuss what the changes to the Disability Tax Promoters Regulations are doing to protect people living with disabilities in Canada. The changes are in force for the 2021 Tax year, so the time is now to learn about how you, or someone you love, can benefit from the Disability Tax Credit.
Presentation by Ted Mann of Mann Lawyers.
Registration for this event is free, but please consider making a contribution to Reach to support access to justice for people with disabilities. A charitable receipt will be provided for all contributions of $20 or greater. Reach Legal Education sessions are made possible with the generous support of the Ottawa Community Foundation.
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