
8 2025

Disability and Sacred Rest

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Or Haneshamah Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community
register at https://www.orh.ca/event/melaveh-malkah-and-havdallah-with-rabbinic-student-intern-rakhel-silverman-gitin.html 30 Cleary Ave.
Ottawa, ON K2A 4A1
6132394988 administrator@orh.ca

Contact Jenny Burns
register at https://www.orh.ca/event/melaveh-malkah-and-havdallah-with-rabbinic-student-intern-rakhel-silverman-gitin.html

On Saturday evening, as part of a Havdalah program, join Reconstructionist Rabbinic Student Intern Rakhel for a conversation about Shabbat, disability, and sacred rest. We will examine Jewish teachings on Shabbat, joy, rest, and shifting relationships to time. We will also learn about the history of people with disabilities being framed as “unproductive,” as well as the disability community’s concepts of “spoon theory” and “cripping time.” We will conclude by reflecting on how radical rest benefits us all, especially marginalized people, in resisting oppression and achieving freedom.