
1 2013

CHW Ottawa launches Memories Project

7:15PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Israel 1301 Prince of Wales Dr.
Ottawa , ON

Contact Esther Kulik

CHW Ottawa opening Council meeting will present a video titled “Memories”. It is a homegrown documentary, featuring some of our most seasoned members who reminisce about their early days with CHW in Ottawa. A presentation will be made to some of the ladies featured in this wonderful trip down memory lane. The Terry Schwarzfeld Award will be presented to the CHW–Ottawa member who, like Terry, represents the ideals of CHW. And an Esther Award will be given to an outstanding member of each active CHW–Ottawa chapter. Refreshments will follow. For more information, please call the CHW–Ottawa voice mail at 613-699-0802, or email info@ottawa.chw.ca. Non-members are always welcome. There’s a place for YOU at CHW–Ottawa! Come and meet new friends. Personal enrichment, leadership development, and lifelong friendships are just a few of the benefits of getting involved.