
23 2015

Cheshbon HaNefesh, An Introduction to Mussar

7:00AM - 8:30PM  

Anna Maranta
This event takes place on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month throughout the calendar year. 64 Powell Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S2A1

Contact Rabbi Anna Maranta

Second and fourth Monday evenings
In this introductory series we will explore the concept of “Chesbon HaNefesh” or taking account of one’s soul; classic and contemporary mussar texts, and tools. This spiritual practice originating in the 19th century in Eastern Europe is a self-development program of guided study and reflection. Middot or character traits are studied in a rotating weekly schedule.
Sessions will be group-facilitated, and chevruta work will be encouraged.
As part of our Livingroom Learning series, this event will take place @TGM, 64 Powell Ave., 7 – 8:30 pm.

Everyone is welcome. While general Jewish knowledge is useful, everyone is welcome to participate.
Investment: Free-will offering, suggested amount: $9.00 to $18.00/session