NCSY Jewish Family Experience (JFX) is collecting toys for the Tikvah program at JFS to bring some extra light to local children on Chanukah! Please drop off a new and unwrapped toy or a gift card at one of our drop off locations.
Craig Henry: Wyczynski Family, 85 Craig Henry Drive. Drop off between 10am-8pm. Please text before drop off. 613-850-4977
Centrepointe: Green Family, 72 Grandcourt Drive Please text before drop off. 613-327-4168 or
Westboro: Friedman Family, 882 Broadview Ave (across from OJCS) 613-724-8590 Drop off between 8am-5pm or text beforehand for other times
Alta Vista: Benzaquen Family 1724 Kilborn Avenue 613-709-1727 Please text before drop off.
Woodpark - Silver Dental Centre 510 Richardson Avenue Drop off between 8am-5pm. 613-828-5921
Contact for more information!