
10 2023

Bereshit From Adam to Abraham: The First 20 Generations

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Soloway JCC and on Zoom (Hybrid)
Cost is in USD. Please select lower fee ($219) for Canadian residents. 21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9
613-798-9818 ext 254 spotechin@jccottawa.com

Contact Sue Potechin
Cost is in USD. Please select lower fee ($219) for Canadian residents.
613-798-9818 ext 254

$ Cost $ 0.00

Explore the creation of Adam and Eve to the story of Abraham and Sarah. We’ll discuss multiple universal narratives which serve as the foundation of the Jewish faith. Leaners will gain insight into the first sibling rivalry which ended in murder, the story of the flood, the Tower of Babel, and much more. We’ll examine the themes of family, faith, honor, and power and discuss how these stories have influenced our people—throughout history and to this very day.
Instructor: Rabbi Steven H. Garten

New dates: January 17 - March 21

Sponsor: SJCC Melton School Ottawa