
7 2015

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gala

8:00PM - 11:55PM  

Rohr Chabad Student Network 59 Sweetland Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1N 7T7


Contact C Miller

Who doesn't remember their Bar or Bat Mitzvah??
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a milestone most young Jews take for granted, but there are plenty of people out there who never had the opportunity to celebrate this special time in their lives. But there is never a "too late" in celebrating the joy of being Jewish and celebrating its meaning and central place in your life.

The CSN invites you to join us in celebrating the Bat and Bar Mitzvahs of five special guys and girls
Maggie Perron
Tamara MC
Ben Felix
Etienne Gabrysz Forget
Jordan Haug

Event Chairs: Victoria Frank & Melissa Cape

Cocktails: 7:30 pm
Dinner: 8:00 pm

Black tie optional.
Modest attire requested.