
3 2016

Bach and Brahms A Piano Cello Concert

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Soloway JCC 21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9
(613)798-9818 ext. 254

Contact Roslyn Wollock
(613)798-9818 ext. 254

Bach and Brahms - A Piano/Cello Concert with Katherine Addleman and Daniel Parker.
Johan Sebastian Bach - Sonata in G major BWV 1027 for viola da gamba and harpsichord (cello and piano) Johannes Brahms - Sonata for piano and violincello in E minor, Op. 58. These two great masterpieces are inked by Braham's reverence for Bach. Ms. Addleman and Mr. Parker will play both pieces and talk about the connection between the two.

Sponsor: Soloway JCC