
11 2015

Annual Israeli Film Festival: Above and Beyond

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

River Building Theatre 43 Campus Ave, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON

Contact Ella Dagan
613-798-9818 ext 243

$ Cost $ 13.00

Above and Beyond
June 11, 7:00 pm

Documentary, 2014, 87 min

Director: Roberta Grossman

Would you risk everything to help a brother in need? In 1948, three years after the liberation of Nazi death camps, a group of Jewish American pilots answered a call for help. In secret and at great personal risk, they smuggled planes out of the U.S., trained behind the Iron Curtain in Czechoslovakia and flew for Israel in its War of Independence. As members of Machal – “volunteers from abroad” – this band of brothers not only turned the tide of the war; they also embarked on personal journeys of discovery and renewed Jewish pride.

Fees: $13 general admission
$9 - seniors, students, SJCC members and CFI members.
Tickets are available at the door, cash only.

Underground parking is available at the River Building, and at nearby Parking Lot P-2B:
Weekdays: $3.50/hr (4hr/$13 max)
Weekdays after 5pm: $7 flat
Saturday/Sunday: $3 flat


Sponsor: Vered Israel Cultural and Educational Program, The Embassy of in Canada, JFO, SJCC, CICF