
1 2015

Alef, Bet and beyond: Hebrew Language Learning

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

The Glebe Minyan 64 Powell Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S2A1

Contact Rabbi Anna Maranta

This Hebrew language learning class is suitable for beginning through intermediate learners.
Based on the needs of students, we will learn the Hebrew letters, improve reading skills, better understand the
meanings of the words and delve into some basic Hebrew grammar.

We will use the Torah, siddur and other texts to explore this "lashon hakodesh," sacred language.
To make our reading come alive, we will uncover some of the hidden secrets behind the words, make connections to other letters and word roots and understand some basic principles of grammar.

Suggested donation: $9 - $18 / session or by $200 for 12 weekly sessions