
22 2015

AJA 50+ Bridge and Games Fundraiser

11:15AM - 3:00PM  

Roy Kolbus Lakeside Centre Britannia Park
102 Greenview Ave (Carling at Pinecrest)
Ottawa, ON K2B 8J8

Contact Annette Paquin
Register before Oct 16 for catering purposes.

$ Cost $ 40.00

Annual Duplicate Bridge Tournament and Games Fundraiser. Duplicate Bridge Tournament is under the direction of Liz Schwartz, Accredited ACBL Director. Games include Contract Bridge, Mah Jongg, Chess, Scrabble and Canasta. Come with a partner/table or one will be assigned to you. Lunch included. This annual event is a major fundraiser for AJA 50+ and lots of fun for participants. Everyone welcome.
For information contact aja50plus@sympatico.ca