
24 2013

"A Universal Language" Film Screening + Comedy Night w/ Jean Paul

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

The Prescott 379 Preston Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 4N1

Contact Hillel Ottawa

Hillel Ottawa will be screening “A Universal Language” – a film that documents the exciting once in a life time journey of six Canadian comedians as they explore comedy, identity, and history throughout the Holy Land and use the weapons of comedy to try and bring laughter to the Middle East. Following the screening we will have comedian Jean Paul, one of the comedians from the film, for a Talk Back! Check out the film demo here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ugKJ8q11Zo This event will be taking place at 7:30pm in the Yuk Yuk’s room of The Prescott - 379 Preston Street. Tickets are $5 at the door. For more information, please visit our website: hillelottawa.ca/index/comedy and facebook.com/events/655694751120837/