Innovative Capacity Fund

More Information


Who is eligible to apply?
• Agencies currently funded by the Jewish Federation of Ottawa and local synagogues are eligible to apply.
• Agencies are encouraged to partner with other organizations (partners need not be currently funded organizations, as long as the lead organization is).

What kinds of activities are eligible?
• Projects that improve organizational health (board development, evaluation of programming, improved financial structure, etc.)
• Projects that help organizations meet the challenges of the current environment (help organizations pivot, manage change, adapt to new realities)
• Pilot projects
• Collaborative projects that bring multiple organizations together to coordinate the delivery of a service or improve the delivery of an existing service
• Projects that collectively address a specific problem or enhance community assets
• One-time educational programs, training, aimed at increasing the capacity of individuals, or providing solutions to communal challenges

What kinds of activities are ineligible?
• Regular maintenance, upkeep and upgrades of facilities
• Capital projects
• Fundraising events
• Purchase of tech hardware (unless part of a larger initiative)



• Project fit: Does the proposal meet the Fund’s criteria and help further the core Jewish offerings of the
• Innovation: Does the project introduce something new to the agency? Does the innovation fill a void or
improve a process?
• Scope: Is there a clear start and end date to the project, if applicable?
• Collaboration: Does the project involve the creation of strong working relationships among agencies
and organizations?
• Project Plan: Are the goals and intended outcomes of the project clear? Does the project have a clear
work plan and timeline for completion?
• Project Budget: Does the project have a realistic budget?
• Project Evaluation: Does the project outline the processes and measures to monitor the project and
evaluate the outcomes?

Maximum length of grant
• Projects or initiatives are eligible for a one-time grant, up to a maximum of $10,000, to be used within eight months of receiving the funding agreement.


1. Can we re-apply for this grant? 

This grant funds one-time-only projects.  If your proposal was not accepted the first time you applied, you may resubmit a revised application at the next round. For help completing your application or to understand if your project qualifies, please contact Anne Read at


2.  What is the maximum amount we can apply for?

The maximum amount for a proposed project/program is $10,000.


3. Do you fund pilot projects?

Yes. This fund aims to support innovation and creative solutions through one-time funding.


4. We want to offer a class at our synagogue, can we apply?

Ongoing educational programs and classes do not qualify for this grant. However, one-time learning experiences and conferences that build capacity are considered.


5. We applied for $5000 but were granted less. Why?

The grant evaluation team reviews the merit of each proposal and prioritizes funding in the community.  The committee may grant less than the requested amount.  


6. Should we ask for more funding than we need?

No.  Funds for this grants are paid out as valid project receipts are presented. The funds cannot be carried forward and the grant expires after 8 months of being awarded.


7. Who decides on this grant?

A team of lay leader volunteers and professionals assess each proposal using defined evaluation criteria and discussion. The team’s recommendations go to the donor for final approval.

8. What projects are not eligible?

Regular maintenance, upkeep and facilities upgrades, capital projects, and fundraising events are not eligible for this grant.



Designate a professional who will be responsible for reporting on this grant project.
Cooperating with and providing information to Jewish Federation of Ottawa to help us communicate the impact of this fund. 
Comply with impact reporting requirements, including completing a post-project/event impact report. Template will be provided.
Acknowledge Jewish Federation of Ottawa at events and in marketing materials and websites.

How to apply?

Apply by completing the online application. To get started, create a user ID & login; under “Funds” select Innovative Capacity Building Fund, read through the application, and be sure to save your progress.

For more information, please contact Anne Read at